YKV WOD March 13th, 2021
CrossFit YKV – CrossFit
Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)
Outdoor WOD
With a partner complete the following 30 Minute AMRAP
Partner A Runs 400m
Partner B performs an AMRAP of Thrusters #95/#65 until A finishes
Switch and repeat.
(score is reps of Thrusters) (Each person only Runs once and does Thrusters once)
Complete the following exercises in the above format:
Run/ Thrusters #95/#65
Run/ Power Snatch #115/#75
Run / Front Squat #135/#95
If above is completed in less than 30 minutes, start over and continue until the 30 minute time cap
One partner works at a time
Metcon (Time)
Home WOD
1 Mile Run/Row or 8 Minutes of Cardio
And Then
50 Burpees
50 Jump Squats
50 Alternating Dumbbell Snatch #50/#35
3 Rounds
8 Minutes of Cardio
30 Seconds Jumping Jacks
30 Seconds High Knees
30 Seconds Mountain Climbers
30 Seconds Lateral Hops